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In response to The Guardian health policy editor

With regards to the impact of clinical grades of attending staff on patient outcomes 27.09.2023 Dear Denis and Guardian editorial staff,  I was interested to read article published on the 23rd of September regarding the proportion of ambulance patients attended to by staff other than paramedics but was disappointed by the lack consideration of patient…


Most analysis and reporting of corruption is made by people who, almost by definition, accept the values that foment the problem and are unable to understand it outside of that context. Firstly they are essentially reporting on fellow guests from the same dinner party cohort, worse they believe in their own competence. They think they…

January 2023

During the time referred to as the pandemic years, anecdotal evidence suggest experiences of the paranormal vastly increased. Whether a manifestation of collective grief, or an exacerbation of the truth described by Shirley Jackson that “no live organism can continue to exist for long under conditions of absolute reality,” or some other as yet unexplained…

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